Monday, August 6, 2018

Paris Life

Now that I have a metro pass Paris is starting to feel more like home. Getting the pass was a bit of an issue - the first station wasn't able to sell the passes, the next one wasn't open, we burned time going to see a cool church, but it was closed on Monday, the info center was open, but wouldn't sell us the passes without photos to put on the passes and couldn't tell us where to get them. I remembered seeing one in the first station, so we walked back, took the photos and finally got the passes.

We headed out to Pere Lachaise and spent an hour or two seeing some really cool crypts and caves.  On the way back one of us was stepping on to a crowded metro car when someone stepped right in front of the one of us who had their pack over one shoulder while two others were jostling them from the sides as one started reaching for the pack. The person behind all this was able to grab the loose strap and pulled them off the train and started shouting.  The doors closed and the train pulled out. We didn't lose anything other than the two minutes to the next train and a sense of security.

Paris is still a beautiful city.

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